Elite level coaches, business owners, CEOs and difference-makers from all walks of life share a common trait: they are masters at the process of evaluating. Film sessions are the life blood of any successful sports team, whether following a soaring win or a crushing loss. Nothing goes unchecked, and nothing gets taken for granted. They understand and respect a simple fact: the film doesn’t lie. If you watched your personal "game film," would it show someone who is accountable to himself and his family, who turns belief into action? Or would you see someone complacent, out of balance or distracted from God's word? Film reveals the truth, and embracing truth is what leads to change, growth, and improvement. ESPN broadcaster and coach Jimmy Dykes guides readers through a tough but crucial evaluation process, incorporating wisdom from both sports and scripture as he demonstrates how to search your heart like a coach scrutinizes game film. Whether you're experiencing a difficult period in life or simply feel called to something greater, The Film Doesn't Lie is certain to provoke men to live with passion, conviction, and bold determination.
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